Radio Recommendations |
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The Anytone AT-878UV radio shown above is an analog and DMR mode dual band handheld. This radio is available online from Powerwerx or Amazon. This FCC Part 90 accepted handheld radio performs very well on the amateur bands and is legal to operate on the City of Rainier's EOC net. In DMR mode this handheld will get as much as 40% better battery life than handhelds operating in other digital or analog modes. |
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The Connect Systems CS800D dual band VHF/UHF radio shown above is FCC Part 90 accepted, performs very well on the amateur bands in both analog and DMR modes, and is legal to operate on the Rainier EOC Net. This radio is available online from Connect Systems. The CS800D is a good choice for a base or mobile rig for ETC ARES team members. This radio also has a removable control head which allows it to be remote mounted. |
This is the home of the East Thurston County ARES Team in Washington State. The all-volunteer ETC ARES Team was established by the ARRL Western Washington Section leadership to serve the communities of Yelm, Rainier, Tenino, and the surrounding areas of East Thurston County, Washington. Our team is affiliated with the Yelm Amateur Radio Group.
The ETC ARES Team's vision is to increase public safety and reduce the uncertainty and chaos in our communities in the aftermath of a disaster event by facilitating efficient and effective radio communication between our neighbors, local organizations, and government officials.
Saturday Weekly State EMD 60 Meter Net.
This net is held each Saturday morning at 10:00 AM local time on 60 meters channel one. Our ETC-ARES team operates for the City of Rainier EOC on this net. If you would like to participate in this net, please contact N7EKB for details.
Saturday Weekly ETC ARES Team Net.
This net is held each Saturday evening at 19:00 (7:00 PM) local time. The net is divided into two parts. We start with check-ins on 2 meter simplex, channel "ETC-1d" (146.550 MHz, PL 103.5 Hz). After the simplex check-ins, we then move the net to the Yelm repeater, K7YLM (440.200+/PL 100.0) for announcements and traffic.
Visitor check-ins are always appreciated. Net control follows this preamble: ETC ARES Weekly Net Preamble.pdf.
Note: Net control and all ETC ARES Team members transmit and receive CTCSS (103.5 Hz) on our net frequency for all "official" traffic. Please read this article for an explanation of how/why we use sub-audible tones on our simplex channel.
Sunday Weekly ARES District 3 Net. ARES District 3 holds a net each Sunday evening at 7:15 PM local time on ETC channel D3-1s, the Capitol Peak Repeater, 145.470 MHz, minus offset, PL 100 Hz (input and output). The repeater is linked into the Beachnet network of repeaters during the net, so remember to pause for a full second or two before talking when transmitting to allow for all of the repeaters in the network to sync up.
Sunday Weekly PNW Digital ARES & EMCOMM Check-in Net.
This DMR mode net meets on "PNW-Regional", DMR talk group 31771, each Sunday evening at 1930 (7:30 PM) local time. PNW Regional, DMR talk group 31771, is available on both the PNW Digital and Brandmeister DMR networks.
Check-ins to this net demonstrate the wide range of EMCOMM-related groups and hams active in our region, covering British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and beyond. Check-ins to this net also help to exercise the PNW Digital network of repeaters, the PNW MMDVM servers, and the Brandmeister DMR network in a regional directed net.
Net control follows this preamble: PNW_Digital_ARES_EMCOMM_Weekly_Net_Preamble.pdf.
1st Wednesday Monthly City of Rainier EOC Net.
This net is held at 3 PM local time on the first Wednesday of each month on the City of Rainier's "City 1" public safety frequency, 453.3625 MHz. A designated representative of the ETC-ARES team checks in to this net as "ARES Relay". If you are interested in helping out, please contact N7EKB for details.
Our group works with a multi-layered approach at disaster communications that encourages the integration with other non-ham radio services such as FRS/GMRS. The primary benefit is that we expand the reach of our finite amateur radio resources and increase our contact with the public. We hope to grow the following list of organized neighborhood emergency radio nets:
If you represent a neighborhood group or would like to help form one please contact us with the e-mail link at the bottom of the page. The ETC ARES team has regular comm exercises and drills where we'd like to practice interfacing with any local neighborhood emergency radio nets.Anyone with a current FCC-issued Amateur Radio license may apply for membership on the East Thurston County (ETC) Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Team. Having a current FCC-issued General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) license is optional, but also a helpful asset to the team. We serve the eastern area of Thurston County, so ideally you live in Yelm, Rainier, Tenino, or one of the surrounding areas. Our current Disaster Communications Plan in the Documents section below describes our served area in detail.
If you are interested in joining the team or have questions that our Plan doesn't answer, feel free to contact the ETC ARES Team Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC) via e-mail [], text message, HH VOIP phone [x11893], or analog phone [+1 (360) 999-0680].
A directory of the Hamshack Hotline (HH) phone numbers of our members with HH VOIP phones is available for use by your HH VOIP phone. For CISCO SPA3xx and SPA5xxx series phones, under the "XML Service" section of the "Phone" tab, enter "" as the "XML Directory Service URL". Label it as "ETC ARES Directory" in the "XML Directory Service Name" field.
The documents listed below reside in a repository on When you click on the links they will take you to a "file finder" view provided by the GitHub web site for our "etc-ares" repository. You can select the file to view it with an option to download to your local computer. We encourage all members to keep a copy of these files on their local computer(s) so they have access to them offline in the event there is an internet outage. The advantage of having these files in GitHub is that you can "clone" a copy of the entire repository to your local computer and use the features of GitHub to synchronize your local cloned copy with the "master" copy of etc-ares at any time. Information on cloning to Linux, Mac, or Windows computers is found in this GitHub Help_Document.
A radiogram is a telegram sent by shortwave radio nets operating 365 days per year, 24-hours per day. These nets are sponsored by Radio Relay International and use a variety of communication technologies including voice, Morse code, and the latest, very sophisticated, digital methods. See the frequently asked questions on the back of the "Standard Radiogram Form" below.